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Glencam area

Part of Duhallow way

Living with Corona means to find ways to make life as comfortable and safe as possible. We all had so much discomfort in the last 18 months. Let's give our body and soul a bit a freedom and a rest before an unstable time in form of the winter approaches. 

Keep in mind: The safest way is being outdoors.

First of all I want to mention the following important advises for this walk:

– Only a part is suitable for walking with kids and this is only on a back and forth walk

For the other part the following applies:

– Good walking shoes are essential for this walk. Be sure your shoes are water resistent. This area is a turfy area.

– In this area you may not have a phone connection.

– Don’t go this way on your own, but at least with a companion.

Let’s start here:
52°2′38″ N 8°53′30″ W

The main trail is suitable for all ages.

A comfortable walk…

Have a look out for small streams, usual and unusual plants

When you follow the main trail you will come to an open area where you can see an untouched nature

There are 2 bridges, a bigger one on your way, inviting to take a break, and a smaller one around the corner (Please note: This one is part of a tiny road, but there might pass every now and then a car with a good speed. Be careful, when you’re in this specific area with kids)

The red arrow marks the the blue trail direction which is more secure and family safe. The green arrow is the direction for the more experienced walkers and hikers. However, you also can walk this route in the other direction. The direction we walked is more challenging as it is downwards. Keep in mind that mostly upwards is easier than downwards.
This section is very good signposted. Unfortunately it doesn’t point out the difficult terrain.

To give you an impression of the more difficult part, I’d rather let pictures speak. Be prepared that sometimes you will have to feel the way rather than see it:

This part is excellent signposted, but not to underestimate
Sometimes you have to feel the trail rather to see where it leads to


The shortest route from Cork is to take the R579 to the Nad-Area:

52°2′38″ N 8°53′30″ W

Unfortunately there’s no direct public transport

Fiddane Woodloop

Don’t ask me, why I post this walk now and not earlier. It is one of my favourite trails. Not too short and not too long. Quite easy to walk.

Suitable for everyone and every season, because you have two options to park and you can skip the hill, if necessary. Like with every walk good shoes are always recommended.

When you start here:

GPS: 52°6′27″ N  8°35′20″ W

Fiddane Woodloop
Fiddane 1st option

A small parking area is provided in front of the barrier and then you can walk smoothly up the hill. It’s not very steep and leads through the grassland.

Fiddane view

On your way up and depending on the weather you will have a spectacular view over the surrounding area. Such views might give you a feeling of limitless freedom.

Once up the hill, it doesn’t matter which direction you take as it is a circular walk. What ever suits best in that moment, do it.

The total lengths starting from here is approximately 7,5 km.

When you start here:

GPS: 52°7′2″ N  8°34′16″ W 

Fiddane 2nd option

You can park your car next to the gate and simply continue along the trail. This is almost flat without any significant gradient.

The total lengths starting from here is approximately 4,5 km

You will pass by a farm and the gate might be closed, however, there’s a stair provided.

provided stair in case the gate is closed


From Cork City Center take the N20 towards Mallow. Best way is to use Apple or Google maps.

If you want to join me for a walk or hike, please click here for guided walks in Co. Cork

Curragh woods, Co. Cork

This was my first walk nearby recommended by a friend. At the 15.December 2017 I was out there and it is wonderful.

Last weekend I was at Curragh woods again. It hasn’t lost any of its flair. This time I walked one of the trails completely. I can really recommend it. But with baby buggy it’s a bit exhausting, because it’s quite hilly. That’s why children should at least be able to walk well.


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Bweeng Duff

Summer has ended and the short autumn goes almost seamlessly into an early winter. The temperatures are at least early in the morning really wintry. We have to get used to it, however, there are still so many sunny days which makes it easy to find the time to go for a walk.

It’s been a while ago that I shared a walk with you. For different reasons. But last weekend I met Conny near Bweeng (don’t ask me how that is pronounced!). It’s a wonderful area with hills, grassland and woodland. Continue reading

Glennagear Woods

In my eyes this summer has been the best since a long time. But all things come to an end and the unpredictable weather is back again in Ireland.

Does it keep us away from going out for a walk? Of course not! We have good shoes, good clothing and if the weather app shows a chance of 50% rain, the likelihood is given, that it won’t rain at all or only drizzle. County Cork and every 20 km a different weather. This was the initial situation that day.

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From Inchileigh to Ballydaly Upper

Have I ever been excited about the way markings on some hiking trails? Never before! This trail seems to be the famous exception to the rule. It’s so easy to follow the trail, you will never have the feeling to get lost and it’s fabulous.

However, you should be fit, because the trail is a bit demanding. It’s not suitable for buggies. Dog owners could struggle at the stiles here and there, depending on how good your dog deals with such difficulties. We managed every of these stiles, but it sometimes was a bit tricky.

Inchileigh, stiles to climb over

Hiking shoes are definitely recommended. With good shoes the hiking experience will be a good one.

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Knockananig Reserve, Co. Cork

Isn’t it easy to take the car and drive to a location that is quiet and beautiful? The disadvantage is, that mostly where you can go by car to, it is overcrowded. And there are places, which aren’t overcrowded, although you can go by car to. One of this places is Knockananig Reserve. However, I want to show you how beautiful it is to walk to this small lake.

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Blackwater River Walk, Co. Cork

A never ending summer in Ireland. Have you ever thought we will have for weeks no rain and temperatures above 22 degrees? It is terrific! Not for the farmers, of course. And not for all the people that can’t stand the sun at the beaches.

But there is a solution. Instead of staying at home and being bored to death, let’s go for a walk. And believe me, it’s absolutely worth.

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