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Bweeng Duff

Bweeng Duff

Summer has ended and the short autumn goes almost seamlessly into an early winter. The temperatures are at least early in the morning really wintry. We have to get used to it, however, there are still so many sunny days which makes it easy to find the time to go for a walk.

It’s been a while ago that I shared a walk with you. For different reasons. But last weekend I met Conny near Bweeng (don’t ask me how that is pronounced!). It’s a wonderful area with hills, grassland and woodland.

Bweeng Duff

At the parking area in Glounaharee we started our walk. The broad trail leads slightly up the hill. Komoot shows the route slightly different and you might end up in a dead end. If you want to try out to walk up the hill through the grass- and woodland, be sure you wear proper walking shoes. If you don’t want to go wrong, stick with the main trail.

Bweeng Duff route

The gradient isn’t steep. What might be a bit difficult is the surface. The stones are too coarse-grained. But that is only my own opinion.

As Conny and me don’t like to walk along streets and prefer the natural forest and grassland paths, we turned on some point and walked back to the carpark. Overall we walked 7,5 km. Of course, you can walk the trail until the end and then follow the street back to the carpark.

Because we were chatting, I forgot to take more pictures 🙂 But for sure it wasn’t the last time being in that area.


From Cork City take the N20 towards Mallow. There is a nice parking area on the left hand side of the N20 which you can’t miss (it is the only one as far as I know). Right behind this parking area leads a small street towards Grenagh. Follow this street until Bweeng. In Bweeng turn at the T-junction left and turn the next Y-junction right. Follow this street until you reach the parking area in front of the barrier to the right.

GPS: 52°2′55″ N  8°46′53″ W

This time the directions are not the best and I know that. My recommendation is to use Apple maps or Google maps in this case, if you are unfamiliar with that area.

If you want to join me for a walk or hike, please click here for guided walks in Co. Cork