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Glencam area

Glencam area

Part of Duhallow way

Living with Corona means to find ways to make life as comfortable and safe as possible. We all had so much discomfort in the last 18 months. Let's give our body and soul a bit a freedom and a rest before an unstable time in form of the winter approaches. 

Keep in mind: The safest way is being outdoors.

First of all I want to mention the following important advises for this walk:

– Only a part is suitable for walking with kids and this is only on a back and forth walk

For the other part the following applies:

– Good walking shoes are essential for this walk. Be sure your shoes are water resistent. This area is a turfy area.

– In this area you may not have a phone connection.

– Don’t go this way on your own, but at least with a companion.

Let’s start here:
52°2′38″ N 8°53′30″ W

The main trail is suitable for all ages.

A comfortable walk…

Have a look out for small streams, usual and unusual plants

When you follow the main trail you will come to an open area where you can see an untouched nature

There are 2 bridges, a bigger one on your way, inviting to take a break, and a smaller one around the corner (Please note: This one is part of a tiny road, but there might pass every now and then a car with a good speed. Be careful, when you’re in this specific area with kids)

The red arrow marks the the blue trail direction which is more secure and family safe. The green arrow is the direction for the more experienced walkers and hikers. However, you also can walk this route in the other direction. The direction we walked is more challenging as it is downwards. Keep in mind that mostly upwards is easier than downwards.
This section is very good signposted. Unfortunately it doesn’t point out the difficult terrain.

To give you an impression of the more difficult part, I’d rather let pictures speak. Be prepared that sometimes you will have to feel the way rather than see it:

This part is excellent signposted, but not to underestimate
Sometimes you have to feel the trail rather to see where it leads to


The shortest route from Cork is to take the R579 to the Nad-Area:

52°2′38″ N 8°53′30″ W

Unfortunately there’s no direct public transport