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Knockadoon, Barry-Coves-Way, Co.Cork

Well, we can’t complain about the last days, can we? It was during the days only partly cloudy or really sunny, not longer that cold and not to windy. And last Sunday was a highlight. I had to got for a walk though. On my list since March was Barry-Coves-Way in Knockadoon. Knockadoon? Never heard before? Never have been before? Time to change that!

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From Glanmire to Mayfield and back, Co. Cork

What to do, if Cork is actually one single traffic jam because of Ed Sheeran’s concert weekend? I hadn’t planned to attend. Not because I don’t like his music. He is a very talented musician, but me and masses of people doesn’t fit.  An alternative is to leave the car where it is and take the bus to Glanmire for a wonderful walk through the fields and forest! Isn’t possible you might ask. Of course it is.

PS.: If you are short on breath or have problems to walk hill upwards or downwards, it might be good to search for another option. It’s also not really suitable for buggys etc.

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Glenabo Forest, Co. Cork, Waterfall No. 3

Weather is still unpredictable, but the days are longer and if they are sunny, then they’re already warm. It’s spring, it should drag us out and get rid of all the thoughts turning about staying inside and feeling trapped. And it’s worth to use the days. Nature is almost exploding with all the new blossoms.

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Dromkeen Wood, Innishannon, Co. Cork

Actually I wanted to finish another walk, but I’m still not good enough to walk longer distances. Slowly but steady I feel more and more trapped at home and I thought a short walk could be a realistic goal. And one of these short walk was anyway on my list. Not far away, more easy than moderate, suitable for all the days with the frequent rain showers in-between.


Innishannon is called the Gateway to West Cork. It has a wonderful main street with lovely restaurants and beautiful small shops. A good idea  is to stop here for a walk, when coming or going to West Cork.

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Glensheskin Forest, Co. Cork

It seems spring is coming very, very slowly. To be honest, the temperature rises, but you can’t feel it. However, some days are already wonderful. If such a day meets your private schedule, then leave everything behind you and go out for a walk. It may give you this special kick you need to oversee the other days, which are only useful for sitting in the office, but nothing else. When the next acceptable day comes along, let’s go for a walk to the northern part of Co. Cork.

When I went to the Ballard Waterfall, I passed by the Glensheskin Forest and wondered when I could come back to explore this place. The week before easter I was anyway at Corrin Hill and that’s why I took the chance and stopped there for a walk.

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Youghal beach walk, Co. Cork

By calender it’s already spring and so let’s go today to the most south eastern part of County Cork. To Youghal. Youghal calls wonderful beaches its own, which can be divided into 2 sections or better in 3? And Youghal has its own website for more information about swimming at Youghal beaches.

Overall it is a bit more than 5 km long beach and excellently designed for walking. To and back is 10 km. Not the shortest walk and good to know, if you want to walk with children. As it isn’t a loop walk due to local circumstances, you have 2 points to start.

Before planing your walk keep the tide times and sun protection in mind. Both are necessary to have a good walking experience at this time of the year.

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Oldcourt – Garryduff, Co. Cork

One of the other days I made a walk at Oldcourt – Garryduff. I already have that on my list since I started to blog about walking. And believe me, it was hard to find. So near, but so hidden. My research source was Coillte.ie. It doesn’t matter which entrance you chose. A few meters off the road and you feel far away from the city. However, it is so close, almost around the corner. You probably won’t find this area, if you aren’t local. You will pass by, not knowing, that there is an entrance at all, because both entrances are outlined as private premises. But the best thing is: Both entrances can be reached by bus. Continue reading

Ballycotton Bay, Co. Cork – on to the beaches!

Well, at the moment Ireland is hit by “The beast from the east”.  Europe as a whole seems to be hit by that cold front, and almost everybody might have a good laugh about my headline.

Who wants to walk along the beach these days?

Nobody! (at least not voluntarily)

However, the days before this cold front were wonderful sunny and mild and they will be afterwards, too. It’s already the end of February and the first warmer days definitely will come. The weather forecast for the weekend looks already better and then you can enjoy a few hours at the beaches in Ballycotton Bay.

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