Knockadoon, Barry-Coves-Way, Co.Cork

Knockadoon, Barry-Coves-Way, Co.Cork

Well, we can’t complain about the last days, can we? It was during the days only partly cloudy or really sunny, not longer that cold and not to windy. And last Sunday was a highlight. I had to got for a walk though. On my list since March was Barry-Coves-Way in Knockadoon. Knockadoon? Never heard before? Never have been before? Time to change that!


When I was in March walking at the beach in Youghal, I took the way back towards Ballymacoda and ended up in Knockadoon. A small village next to Youghal with a nice island in front of it and a tower that needed to be explored. First of all I had to reverse at Knockadoon head otherwise I had landed in the water. Having done so, I found the entrance to Barry-Coves-Way. Because that day the weather was nice, but not really warm, I postponed the walk here to another day. Last Sunday was a wonderful day and I remembered that location.

I started, even not having a look to the tide times. How lucky, I arrived at low tide and had a look at the map where to go. This map is directly at the entrance:

Knockadoon, Barry-Coves-Way Overview


There is a red, a yellow and a green route. I decided for the red one and found a nice trail as you can see on the pictures:

As you can see from the pictures it is not an ordinary walk. It starts so comfortable, until you come to this bench:

Barry-Coves-Way, bench

From here it is necessary to mind your steps all time, because mostly it’s not obvious, which is the easiest and most comfortable way to go through that area. You have to decide on a case by case basis. It’s definitely good to be equipped with good shoes and have the tide times in mind. Once you are through, you will come to the Ring Beach and can have a relaxed view back to where you started.

Barry-Coves-Way, Ring beach

You can now either walk back or extend your walk. I walked back, but not the way I came from, but as it is shown on the map, along the small street. There isn’t much traffic. It might be busier in summer time, when people want to go here for swimming or taking a sun bath. The disadvantage is the tarred surface.

Watchtower and Capel Island

If you don’t want to go along the beach you can also walk to the watch tower. It’s at least worth to see it once. And you have a nice view from there to Capel Island. It’s easy to find and you will walk along the small street.

Nearby are rocks for climbing. If some of you like to climb, you can find more information here:


From Dunkettle Rdabout take the N25 towards Youghal. In Castlemartyr take a right turn at the traffic light and follow the R632 until Ladysbridge. There is a petrol station at the right hand side and the next possibility left is the turn into the R633. Follow that road until Ballymacoda and then further to Knockadoon.

Barry coves way

51°53′9″ N  7°52′10″ W

Ring beach

51°53′37″ N  7°53′18″ W

For all my readers who are dependent on public traffic:

It is in the middle of Nowhere. No bus, not even nearby.

And if you want to join me for a walk or hike, please click here for guided walks in Co. Cork