Author: Elisabeth
Clashavodig, Little Island, Co. Cork
After storm Ophelia, we tend to stay more inside. But to get a relief from daily stress, I want you to introduce with a very short loop walk. It’s most suitable for everyone all year round. If you don’t have much time, it’s too cold to stay out longer or you want your kids to work out a bit.
Suffering from a skin disorder?
I’m not a doctor! But I’ve been suffering since my early childhood from Atopic eczema.
Everyone who’s suffering from a skin disorder agrees that this can be sometimes a nightmare. It doesn’t matter how it is called. If you are suffering from Psoriasis or Contact Dermatitis or similar skin disorders, at some stage it affects your life tremendously.
Kinsale – Maritime walking tour, Co. Cork
Kinsale is a treasure. Worth more than one visit and one walk. Kinsale as such is beautiful and the most important thing to mention: Everybody who is dependent on public traffic has the chance to see what I’m talking about.
Marlogue, Co. Cork
3 reasons to share this wonderful location with you before the weekend!
- forest recreation area
- easy to walk and suitable for all ages
- near the Cork’s city gates
Moanbaun Woods, Co. Cork
Timeshift has been completed. We all were allowed to sleep an hour longer. Not really, because this hour has taken away by spring shift. We only got back what we deserve.
Tracton Woods, Co. Cork – the unfinished 7 km trail and an unexpected alternative
It’s only a few days ago. Not too cold, not too rainy, but dark grey! Nothing that drags someone outdoors. And you know that feeling? You are bored? Basically, you should do something, but everything inside yourself refuses action?
I was in the same pitfall. My inner voice told me: “Go out! Remember the days you weren’t able to!” My body said: “You can do whatever you want but, without me”
Safety First and other important thoughts
When we are outdoors, we sometimes forget about a few important facts in our life. We all are driven to be on the safe side of life. However, our safety concerns are often based on money, money, and money again.
With money, we can transfer our duties to somebody else. When we are doing something for fun or for wellness by visiting a cinema or a gym, we expect to find everything organized, because we pay a lot of money.
A walk in the park!
Now it’s December, it’s Christmas time and nobody wants to go out for a long walk. The inhibition threshold is higher. For me, too. Either it is too cold, or it is too grey, or it is rainy or it might start raining. If you want, you’ll find an excuse.
However, an hour or at least half an hour being outside can make a huge impact and give you a relief from all that trouble around.
Ballincollig, Co. Cork – Regional Park – The gem amongst the treasures!
Are you busy with Christmas Shopping?
No time to relax?
You don’t like to use an app for being mindful of your mental health? (Like me! )
And you think sports is a murder? You don’t like going to a gym? Me, neither.
But you are curious, to find a way to combine a bit of everything with a valuable outcome?
Let me take you out for a walk this weekend (or one of the next). Not that far away and suitable for everyone.