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Waterfalls in Co. Cork, No. 1

Waterfalls in Co. Cork, No. 1

The more I go walking, the more I feel, what I missed in the last 10 years. Unintentionally. Driven by duties, finding a balance between job and life, acting between sunrise and sunset. Like all of us. Unfortunately! Life is no walk in the park.

Waterfalls – topic for 2018

There are so many beautiful walks available, but I tried to find a topic for 2018, which was not that easy to decide. At the end, I decided to go for Waterfalls in Co. Cork. Let’s see, if I can find in 2018 12 nice waterfalls to introduce to you. Today I had 1 location on my list, which was Mullinhassig waterfall.

From the short description I found in an article while research, I thought, I might find that in one step. A big mistake! Most nice places aren’t well signposted. Don’t ask me, how often I took the wrong turn that day and ended up in a loop which brought me back to another loop. With the 4th attempt, I found the right way and ended up here:

Mullanhassig waterfall

750 m to get to the waterfall.  A short distance. You might say now, Pooh, what an effort to take for such a tiny waterfall. But, the noise of water is extremely relaxing and in combination with such a magnificent site, you will enjoy every single moment.

Water is magic.

Starting from the parking area, you can decide which path you want to go. The path straight is suitable for everybody, almost no gradient, but it’s good to supervise your children and dogs because the edges aren’t secure. (There is anyway a notice warning you).

The left way leads you down to the river and in summer months it might be the ideal way to chose. With buggies, it’s probably wise to use the upper path. And in winter times, we know that from experience, muck and mud are our constant companions. Though let’s stay safe today and take the upper path straight into the tiny forest area.

With every step more towards the waterfall, nature looks like in an old Disney movie. “The Rescuers” from 1977 came into my mind. But have a look yourself:

Like a kind of grotto. Stunning! A short way forth and back, but definitely worth it. You can spend hours here.

Moving water is music


And when you can’t find enough time to walk or relax, you might find this Sounds of water helpful.

The area around Coachford is part of the Lee Valley. There are so many walks along the Lee or nearby. But that will be subject to another few posts.


How to get to Mullhassig:

Not everybody starts from City Center. There are many roads that take you to Coachford. Depending on where you’re starting from. To visit this area, it doesn’t make sense to use Dunkettle or Kinsale roundabout as a reference. The best referring point to start with giving directions might be the western entrance to the Ballincollig Regional Park. If some of my readers have another idea, please let me know. 🙂

Simply pass it by and after crossing the Inniscarra bridge, turn left into the R618 and go straight to Coachford. Once passed Coachford, you will come to an intersection which is located in a kind of sink. Left it will bring you to Macroom. But you turn right towards Aghabullog and Bealnamorive. Go through the woodland area and turn left once you see the sign to Bealnamorive. At the corner is a yellow house. Both come up on the left-hand side. Now it’s only a few meters and you can park your car in the parking area.

For all those who are dependent on public transport:

There is a bus and here is the timetable for Bus No. 233. But to be honest, I don’t know, where the best stop is to drop off the bus. Best practice is to ask the bus driver and you might be lucky and they let you drop off at the turn to Aghabullog.

GPS: 51°55′38″ N  8°49′45″ W

And if you want to join me for a walk or hike, please click here for guided walks in Co. Cork.



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