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Rostellan Co. Cork

Rostellan Co. Cork

A few days earlier when the days were still sunny and warm, I was in Rostellan. Absolutely worth as you have here plenty of possibilities to find your personal walk. You can spend hours at this place if you want. This blog entry will be continued as it was not the last time, I was here. More pictures and a few more details will follow.

You can start in Rostellan on 2 different points:

Once you passed the bridge there’s a tiny parking and with a tiny entrance to the forest, or you follow the street a few hundred meters and end up at the parking where this sign is located.

Don’t forget: Have your hiking shoes with you, when the day before was rainy.

The lower part is filled with small ruins. If you have kids with you, they are busy exploring these ruins and there are loads of walls, small archways etc.

View into a small house
Mother nature claims back what is left abandoned and offers a huge playground.

How to come to Rostellan:
Take the N25 until Midleton Roundabout and take the 3rd exit towards Whitegate (R630)
You will pass by Rostellan Coffeeshop on the left-hand side
A few 100 meters further you need to turn right.
Pass the small bridge and there you are!

GPS: 51°50′46″ N 8°11′26″ W

Rostellan is to reach with Bus Eireann, please take a look at the link:
Bus No. 241