Glenabo Forest, Co. Cork, Waterfall No. 3

Glenabo Forest, Co. Cork, Waterfall No. 3

Weather is still unpredictable, but the days are longer and if they are sunny, then they’re already warm. It’s spring, it should drag us out and get rid of all the thoughts turning about staying inside and feeling trapped. And it’s worth to use the days. Nature is almost exploding with all the new blossoms.

This waterfall is a small one, but it’s worth to visit. And the advantage is, we can use it as a short walk and combine it with a part of the Blackwater Way and make a stop at Knockananig Reserve.

Glenabo Waterfall

Once you have your car parked you walk along the stream on a comfortable trail to the waterfall. Let’s inspire from the water’s powerful sound. It isn’t a spectacular one, but it is at least a waterfall what you will see at the turn of the loop walk. On the way back, you can either walk until the end of the trail, which leads you back to the car park. That’s about a bit more than 2,5 km.

Blackwater Long-Distance-Way

Or turn left on your way back before you’ll reach the car park and follow the Blackwater way. Once you have turned left, keep going until you reach the tiny street. It’s really a tiny one and there is not much traffic. Turn here left again and go up the hill. From here it’s going continuously upwards, but you hardly feel the slope.

Once you come to a T-Crossing you turn left along the Blackwater LDW-sign and then it’s again up to you, either to follow the Long-distance-way or turn right into the forest again after about a km. When you decide to go through the forest again, a small trail starts behind the barrier. It leads you to Knockananig Reservoir, a small lake. It invites to make a break for having a picnic or in summer for swimming.

Pictures will follow!


And you have the choice between paying toll or not. I took again the R639 from Glanmire up to Corrin Hill. You can use the M8 toll-free from Dunkettle Rdabout and exit at Watergrasshill (exit 17).

Between Rathcormac and Fermoy you turn left on some point (52°05’19.7″N 8°16’37.7″W). It’s signposted to Corrin Hill and the Kingdom Hall of Jehova Whitnesses.  You will pass by the Coillte Cross car park, which is on the right-hand side and at the end of the street you turn right. At the next T-Crossing you turn right again and the at the next T-Crossing you turn left at theStop-sign. After that, turn immediately left again. Looks like a private premises, but once turned left, you will see the Coillte-sign for Glenabo forest car park.

GPS: 52°7′40″ N  8°17′55″ W

For all my readers who are dependent on public transport:

There is a bus to Fermoy But that’s pretty much it.

If you want to join me for a walk or hike, please click here for guided walks in Co. Cork